
b. 1986, HK.

Hello my friends.

My life in the creative realm began when I was a toddler playing with Legos. In time I’ve grown to love the worlds of user interface design and graphic design and the power they have to enrich the lives of everyone. I’ve spent years designing in both print and digital, familiarizing myself with the nuances and strengths of each medium. I melt when I find packaging that is given the royal treatment, and I’m in awe of the endless possibilities of the digital world. While I wholeheartedly enjoyed my time in print design, I now focus exclusively on user interface and user experience design.

I am a proud father and husband who is very jealous of how much more creative his family is. They inspire me on a daily basis. If I could work outside, I would. I try to get out of the house as much as possible since I’m always on a quest to discover anything new I can find. My mind is a sponge, and my mantra is “Ever Improving”.

If you want to bribe me, use food. If you want to talk, I’m all ears. If you want something done, just ask.


  • Mobile Design

  • User Interface Design

  • Mobile-First Design

  • Responsive Web Design

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping

  • Mockups

  • eCommerce

  • Typography

  • Style Guides

  • User Flows

  • Training & Mentorship

  • Digital Asset Organization

  • Project Management

  • Critical Thinking

  • Branding/Rebranding

  • Motion Graphics

  • Communication

  • Print & Packaging Design

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